Educational Tools
Below are personally curated digital presentations on the following: general overview of the CA Reparations Task Force; narrowly tailored digital presentations corresponding to each of the 12 chapters in interim report; and digital presentations presented by Chair Moore to task force on: 1) eligibility, 2) revival of Freedmen's Bureau, and 3) report back re: economics advisory committee.
A comprehensive overview of AB-3121, the work product of the California Reparations Task Force, and key findings from each chapter of the task force's historic nearly 1100-page final report (+ information on pending reparations legislation).
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating enslavement.

Racial Terror
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating racial terror.
Political Disenfranchisement
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating political disenfranchisement.

Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating housing segregation.
Separate and Unequal Education
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating separate and unequal education.

Racism in Environment & Infrastructure
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating racism/casteism in the enviroment and infrasturcture.
Pathologizing Black Families
Presentation on California and the United States' role in pathologizing the African American family.

Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating the control over creative, cultural, and intellectual life of African Americans.
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating stolen labor and hindered opportunity.

Unjust Legal System
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating an unjust legal system against African Americans.
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating mental and physical harm and neglect against African Americans.

Wealth Gap
Presentation on California and the United States' role in perpetuating the wealth gap between African Americans and European Americans.
March 2023: Proposal from Enslavement Advisory Committee on potential California American Freedmen Affairs Agency
March 2022: Presentation Chair Moore made to task force ahead of historic 5-4 eligibility vote
Makes argument: AB-3121 statutory provisions, legislative intent, history of U.S. reparations movement, and domestic, and international law point to lineage/political classification standard for purposes of determining the community of eligibility.
December 2022: Proposal from Economics Advisory Committee, exploring questions related to reparations in the form of compensation.